John (Feb-Mar 2024)

Each photo below corresponds to the chapter-a-day post/podcast for the book of John published by Tom Vander Well in January and February 2024. Click on the photo linked to each chapter to read the post.

John 1: The God Who Pitched His Tent

John 2: Signs

John 3: Loyalty to a Trusted Source

John 4: No Sign Necessary

John 5: Who Am I Living to Please?

John 6: Filet-o’-Fish or Flesh-and-Blood?

John 7: Division

John 8: Showdown

John 9: Seeing and Believing

John 10: Shepherd and Sheep

John 11: Watershed Moment

John 12: The Spectrum of Belief

John 13: Waypoints of Confusion

John 14: Peace that’s Not of this World

John 15: The Dude Abides

John 16: Contrasting Statements

John 17: Where His Footsteps Lead

John 18: Empire v. Kingdom

John 19: “The Man Who Saw It”

John 20: “The One Thing”

John 21: Testimony & Verdict

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