
The Story of the Chapter-a-Day Posts

These chapter-a-day posts began around the year 2000 when a friend of mine told me that he’d been struggling to consistently read God’s Word. Since we both spent a lot of time on the road, I suggested we read one chapter every weekday and call one another to share one thing we got out of the chapter. It worked. We’re still going.

In 2006, I started this blog to record my thoughts, insights, and feelings about the content of each chapter. Everyone is welcome to share this post, like this post, or add your own thoughts in a comment.

Thank you to those who have become faithful, regular, or occasional readers, along with your encouragement.

In 2019 I began creating posts for each book, with an indexed list of all the chapters for that book. You can find the indexed list by clicking on this link.

Prior to that, I kept a cataloged index of all posts on one page. You can access that page by clicking on this link.

You can also access my audio and video messages, as well.

About Me

I believe that the universe is a work of God’s artistry – embellished by Van Gogh’s brush, Miles Davis’ trumpet, Bob Dylan’s lyrics, Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos, Tolkein’s imagination and Michael Jordan’s jump shot. I believe in hot coffee, Gregorian chants and quiet conversations with God before dawn. I believe in baseball parks on warm summer evenings. I believe in good food, good wine, good company and dinner conversations that keep you at the table for hours. I believe in guitars, cigars and back porch music under the stars. I believe that life is a journey with an eternal destination and in having good companions for the sojourn. I believe that the Cubs will one day win the World Series and the Vikings will one day be Super Bowl champs. I believe grace is costly and salvation is free. I believe in the blues. I believe in second chances, my wife’s love, and the reality that my children are my life’s masterpiece.
– Tom Vander Well (2006)

I was born and raised in Iowa (but please don’t hold that against me). After a brief college sojourn, I returned to Iowa where I now live with my wife, Wendy. I’m an amateur actor and playwright and a regular teacher among my local gathering of Jesus’ followers. I serve as President and CEO of Intelligentics (formerly C Wenger Group) a research and QA firm helping companies measure and improve customer service, satisfaction, and loyalty.

You can be contact me at tomvanderwell@gmail.com.

33 thoughts on “About”

  1. Amazing, Chapter-a-day. And that since such a long time. Very impressive.
    I found you through Ancestral work. I’ve started writing stories about my Ancestors in Dutch and English. But not a chapter-a-day. May be a good idea😊
    Thank you for the inspiration. Greetings from the Netherlands.


  2. Morning Tom. would you consider submitting articles to Christian Grandfather Magazine? It’s a legitimate new magazine coming out next month created by one of my wonderful followers, Andy Oldham. He asked me if I would like to submit Christian health and wellness articles based on my blog posts. It seems well organized and will reach about 60,000 subscribers. He also asked if I knew of any additional creative writers who might be interested. I thought of you and your intriguing articles. It’s not an etched-in stone every month commitment.) If so, you can reach him at andy@christiangrandfather.org. No pressure, just wondering. Blessings back.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I appreciate your belief statements here. And guess what? The Cubs did win the world series. How about that. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will travel around yours as well. I am especially enjoying your photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Rachel. I love your blog, as well. I really like your writing style and love the typeset theme. It’s been a while since my wife and I have been to upstate NY. Our friend was a pastor there and we took the opportunity to visit (and go to Cooperstown!). All the best to you.


  4. Tom, do you have a published book (yes, the old-fashioned, paper kind…) with your daily devotionals? I have so many print outs and I just wondered if you already had them compiled in something I could buy? Thanks!


  5. I share your passion for the arts. Too many of them were hijacked by our enemy. In response the religious ones put them on the “taboo” list, and we lost touch with the Creator of everything beautiful – and His desire to create through us. I say it’s time we take ’em back!

    Great blog. I look forward to reading more. 🙂
    Praising Jesus


  6. As a Jounaling Artist & a Believer I’m often questioning how to incorporate both my art & my faith….without appearing preachy. A recent move to a new residence, in new state, on a new coast, has created a clearer perspective, especially after readig your Chapter-a-Day…….thank you!


    1. It’s a bit of a sticky wicket at times isn’t it, Roberta? I’m glad that my posts could provide a little inspiration. I still struggle with it, to be honest. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck between two worlds and I don’t quite fit inside the box either side wants to put me in. I’ve determined just to be honest to the Truth I know and who He created me to be. I end up disappointing and confusing a lot of people, but I hopefully resonate with a few as well.


      1. I very much relate to the “stuck between” and “not fitting in the boxes” feelings. Lately it has resulted in pulling away from both boxes and that is not good. The wicket is indeed sticky…


  7. I love your blog and how scripture-filled it is. How apt that I stumble upon your blog as I am in the works of earning brownie points with God. It’s so encouraging to see someone openly profess his faith, something that is hard to come along and do these days.

    You have such wonderful family and friends. You are truly blessed.


    1. Thanks for the kind words, Janis. I’m glad you stumbled upon my blog. I’m just trying to be honest about who I am (and sometimes I’m better at it than others). Hope you’ll keep coming back to visit!


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Just another wayfarer on life's journey, headed for Home. I'm carrying The Message, and I'm definitely waiting for Guffman.