Tag Archives: Pressing On

Chapter-a-Day Daniel 11

Pressing on.  Those who keep their heads on straight will teach the crowds right from wrong by their example. Daniel 11:33 (MSG)

As I've read historical accounts of crisis and battle, I'm struck by a common theme. Great leaders are able to keep their heads on straight when bullets are flying and circumstances seem to spiral out of control around them. God's message says that character is proven in the midst of trial, and I believe it to be true. Though, the truth of it is not generally revealed in the moment, but in hindsight and reflection.

This week has been a time of reflection for me. Looking back at the journey, there is no doubt that I have traveled through some difficult stretches of road. Certainly, like every wayfarer, my feet have stumbled. Nevertheless, here I stand. I'm still pressing on. I'd like to think I've been able to keep my head on straight when life seemed to be crumbling around me. The crowds can choose to think what they will. I'm just going to keep walking towards the finish line.

Creative Commons photo courtesy of Flickr and pleeker