“Young and Old”

"Young and Old" (CaD 1 Chr 25) Wayfarer

Young and old alike, teacher as well as student, cast lots for their duties.
1 Chronicles 25:8 (NIV)

This past Sunday, I gave the message among our local gathering of Jesus’ followers. In the message, I shared briefly about my youth pastor, Andy, who was a real mentor to me when I was in high school.

One of the things that Andy impressed upon me and my fellow students in those days was the fact that there was no age minimum when it came to having spiritual gifts and using them for God’s Kingdom. When it came to a two-year discipleship program that Andy wanted to offer for our high school youth, he chose four students to be trained and to lead the class for both students and their parents. Encouraging us to embrace that we had spiritual gifts and that God wanted to use us even though everyone else saw us as “just kids” was transformational.

I continue to beat that same drum today. How many great things could happen if young people stopped zoning out in front of screens, chasing likes, and were given permission to embrace and unleash their spiritual gifts and passions in tangible ways?

I also mentioned in my message that spiritual gifts and using them for God’s Kingdom do not come with an expiration date, either. Just this last week I had a casual conversation with the former CEO of a global corporation who now tries to help individuals and organizations harness the opportunities represented in those who have “retired” from their careers but still have as many as 20 to 30 years of life ahead of them in their “third phase.” Our culture embraces “retirement” but nowhere in the Great Story have I ever found God telling anyone their services are no longer needed. God numbers our days for His purposes, not mine. If I wake up in the morning, there’s a purpose He has for me this day.

I thought about these things as I read another one of the admittedly boring chapters of lists. In today’s list, the Chronicler lists those members of the tribe of Levi who were musicians and assigned to play for worship in the temple. It was fascinating that the ancient Hebrews made a connection between music and spiritual sight. There was a connection between music and prophesy, synonymously referred to as “seer.” I confess that I’ve always envied gifted musicians and singers. Alas, my gifts lie elsewhere.

What struck me the most in today’s chapter was that when it came to assigning the musicians who would be responsible for playing music for worship in the Temple on a rotating basis, they cast lots. “Young and old alike, Teacher as well as student.” In other words, there was no age or educational restriction. God wanted young and old, experienced and inexperienced, both teacher and trainee to play before Him. Even a “joyful noise” is sweet music to God’s ears when it is played with a devoted and aspiring spirit.

In the quiet this morning, I find myself meditating on the difference Andy made to a generation of us back in the day. Andy believed and convinced us there was nothing we couldn’t accomplish for God if we had faith and shrugged off the restrictions society and culture placed on us, even in spiritual matters. You can still find so many of my peers from those years around the globe still focused on ushering God’s Kingdom through everything they do, no matter their vocation or calling.

I also find myself, once again, reflecting on the impending “third phase” of life that sits out there on the horizon. I have no idea exactly what that looks like. I do know, however, that my endeavor is to never retire from God’s callings and purposes for me as long as I have life and breath.

If you know anyone who might be encouraged by today’s post, please share.

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