Thanksgiving 2010

The VWs Thanksgiving 2010. We didn't think about taking the picture 'til after the girls left 😦

Thanksgiving week started with Madison’s return from college. She arrived on Monday night and we planned a big birthday celebration dinner for her on Wednesday night. She promptly contracted the flu, and spent all Wednesday morning throwing up and all Wednesday afternoon sleeping. Sooooooo….

Taylor, Clayton, Wendy and I enjoyed a nice meal together on Wednesday evening while Madison slept. She was feeling well enough to come down and sit at the table for a while and sip on some chicken noodle soup that Wendy made for her. But she quickly pootered our and missed the Wii bowling extravaganza with the rest of us. We plan to make it up to her during Christmas break with a belated birthday meal of epic proportions.

Thanksgiving was at the Vander Wells this year. We made some fresh Italian bread in the morning and took the warm loaf with us. The meal was wonderful, and everyone ate their fill and then, as hobbits would say, “filled up the corners” with Bonnie’s cranberry cookies, Jody’s dutch letters, Grandma’s cinnamon rolls, and Tim’s figure eight cookies.

The only member of the family who didn’t make it was our nephew, Sam, who is going to school in Spokane, Washington. It was quite a feat to get 16 of us around the table, but we managed. It’s a good thing we love each other.

It was a pleasureable afternoon of conversation, Apples-to-Apples, and laughter. Madison was spending the night with her mom before heading back to the Twin Cities to work the late shift on Black Friday. Wendy and I headed home about 5:30 and enjoyed a leisurely evening together.

Madison gave Ellie, & Emma a make over!
Celebrating a small and rare victory in Apples-to-Apples
Everyone loved Madison's portfolio from Photography class.
Scott & Jody laughing at a joke Tim got in his email.
Madison and Wendy looking at Madison's portfolio.
Lots of conversation around the table.
Tay & Clay
Kumi helping set the table for the feast.

Terry talking with someone on the couch. Conversation happened at the table, around the table, across the table, and over the table!

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