Read Thru & Rehearsals

Friday night the director and cast of our Tulip Time show came over and we did a read through of my script. It went really well. They had great feedback for me and I’ve got some work to do. The biggest thing was a reminder that the contest specified a maximum of six characters (I have ten) – yikes! – I have some reworking to do! The feedback was encouraging, though and on-target.

Rehearsals went well – I started to do a couple of scenes off-book which made me feel good. There’s such chemistry when I’m on stage with Wendy. It’s easy and natural. It’s easier to find those emotional moments and connections with the characters when I’m acting with her.

Getting to make-out backstage is fun, too!

An Evening as the Phantom

Taylor_and_phantom_lr  The high school prom was last night at the Opera House. The theme was "Phantom of the Opera" and I was asked to play the phantom as kids arrived. It was kind of fun, though I think most of the high schoolers had no clue who the phantom of the opera is and most of the looks I got communicated, "Ew, that guy looks creepy."

It was fun, though. I realized that whole affair is rather silly. So much ado about nothing, as Shakespeare would pen. I also had a chance to watch the parent volunteers scurry about. It struck me that, in a small town, the high school cliques don’t really change – they just grow up.

Blocking is Finished

We finished blocking The Dominie’s Wife last night. It feels good to have it blocked because we’re on a tight schedule and there aren’t a heck of a lot of rehearsals. I’m feeling a bit behind because the director and two of the other three actors did the show a few years back. So, I’m feeling out of the loop part of the time. It’s okay, though. I’ll catch up.

btw: I got a call last night asking me if I’d be willing to dress up as Phantom of the Opera for the high school’s prom this weekend and hand out roses to the young ladies as they arrive. Seizing every opportunity to embarrass my daughter in healthy ways, I accepted 🙂

Chapter-a-Day Mark 11

That’s why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything. Mark 11:24

Sometimes it’s hard for me not to think of God like a stern parent, withholding good from me with a "because I said so!" Yet, Jesus reveals a generous heavenly Father who urges us to bring the smallest of matters to him – to embrace Him and the life He gives us. I believe that we have no clue how willing our Father is to move heaven and earth on our behalf.

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Spring Fever!

It’s Spring! The weather has been beautiful and I opened a couple of windows in the house yesterday for the first time in months. I love airing the house out after the stuffiness of winter. I got the spring fever bug yesterday. I wanted to clean and organize, but there’s so freakin’ much that it’s overwhelming. Plus, cleaning and organizing are just more items on the pile of "to dos."  Arrghhh.

Tried to write my morning pages this morning but got impatient and stopped after two pages. I don’t know if that’s because I’m blocking something or because I’m just late getting up and feeling the pressure of the day.

Chapter-a-Day Mark 10

In that very instant he recovered his sight and followed Jesus down the road. Mark 10:52 (TM)

I’ve noticed that there’s a correlation between an individuals faith and the amount  of crap from which Jesus has delivered him/her. Blind Bart received sight and immediately followed Jesus. People who know the pain and blindness that comes with living deep in sin have an equal depth in their gratitude and commitment to Jesus.

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Chapter-a-Day Mark 10

In that very instant he recovered his sight and followed Jesus down the road. Mark 10:52 (TM)

I’ve noticed that there’s a correlation between an individuals faith and the amount  of crap from which Jesus has delivered him/her. Blind Bart received sight and immediately followed Jesus. People who know the pain and blindness that comes with living deep in sin have an equal depth in their gratitude and commitment to Jesus.

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Authentic Connections

I’ve known three people in my life who have this certain "gift." I don’t know what to call it. I guess you could call it Charisma, but it seems a profane use of the word. These three people have the ability to flip a switch and make anyone, anywhere, anytime believe, in an instant, that they are that person’s best friend. It’s almost a spell that’s cast on people. I’ve seen it happen and am truly amazed. In each of these three cases, I watched the individual use this gift in a smarmy way of self-fulfillment and/or self-advancement. Sadly, you could tell it fed some emptiness inside them.

I contrast that to watching my friend yesterday in the coffee shop. He has a gentle, humble way of making connections with people. It’s a smile, a handshake, calling the person by name. He consciously reaches out to make a connection with almost every person he comes in contact with. I think the difference between him and the three I mention above is in the motivation. I could tell that my friend yesterday was loving on people – filling them up out of the fullness that’s in him. He’s not suckering people to feed his own insecurities. It was fun to watch these people light up when they talked to him. People tend to respond favorably to love. It kind of reminded me of what the woman at the well must have looked like when Jesus asked for a drink.

My friend inspired me to be a better lover of people today.

Chapter-a-Day Mark 9

Jesus said, "If? There are no "ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen."Mark 9:23 (TM)

This verse reminded me of my fourteen year old daughter, who was called to go to the mission field in Thailand this summer. There is no question that she received the call and God is moving the universe to make things happen, but it’s fun to watch her experience this for the first time. The trip costs a considerable sum. She sent out her support letter late last week and within days the return envelopes began pouring in.

Sunday night the four of us were sitting at the dining room table talking about the weekend and my daughter was opening her envelopes and counting the money. Suddenly she looked up with tears streaming down her face. One generous person had sent her an surprisingly large check and it put her at the half-way mark of what she needed for the trip. God had provided half of the support she needed in a matter of a few days.

There are no ‘ifs’ when God is involved. There is a divine plan of goodness for us and God will accomplish it. Anything can happen. Gives you a sense of expectation for the day, doesn’t it?

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Production Begins!

We started rehearsals for "The Dominie’s Wife" last night. It felt really good to be back on stage, to be marking the script and trying on costumes. It always strikes me how the theatre feels like home, and being on stage gives me energy. We have to be off-book in less than two weeks (Yikes!). Looks like I’ve got some memorizin’ to do.

Friday night after rehearsal the cast is coming over for margaritas and we’re doing a read-thru of the script I’m submitting to the Tulip-Time Playwriting Contest. I had Wendy read-through it with me on Sunday and I know there are some changes I need to make before Friday. It’s kind of exciting to have a rough draft finished. OMG! I’m a playwrite!

Of course, that stupid, shameless Censor inside keeps picking away at me telling me that it’s all crap – that everyone will think it’s stupid – that it will pale in comparison to the other contest submissions by real playwrites – etc. etc. etc. Arrrrggghhh. Get thee behind me, Censor! I think I’ve done an admirable job for my first play, thank you. And no matter what others may think of it, I’ve learned a lot just in the process of writing it. I’ve grown as a writer and an artist. I got out of the boat and took a few steps on the surft. At least I wrote it. How many people think about writing something and never have the guts to do it? Huh? Huh? It’s on paper. So, go *#&@ yourself.

Whew. That feels a little better.

Just another wayfarer on life's journey, headed for Home. I'm carrying The Message, and I'm definitely waiting for Guffman.