Chapter-a-Day I Samuel 8

But his sons didn’t take after him; they were out for what they could get for themselves, taking bribes, corrupting justice
. I Samuel 8:3 (TM)

This is a theme that runs throughout scripture. The children of leaders are given positions of leadership, but they don’t follow in their parents’ footsteps. In some cases they don’t have the gifts. In most cases they don’t have the heart. Eli, Samuel, David, Solomon follow this theme – just to name a few. The theme runs through most of the historical books of the Old Testament. Family relationships are complicated enough, but they get even more complicated when they become part of business, political and/or religious organizations.

Flickr photo courtesy of Trevor Blake

State Fair!

State_fair_2006_wheel_lrState_fair_2006_wendy_lr It’s time for that Midwest summer tradition: The Iowa State Fair! Last night was our opportunity to visit the event and we picked a great night for it. Wendy had been working all day at the Goalsetter’s booth in the Varied Industries Building (she even sold one! You go, Wendy!). Taylor, Madison and I arrived in the evening to eat food on a stick, ride the big slide (a tradition I’ve had with the girls since they were wee ones) and take in the cultural center. Taylor and Madison even got to sit inside the wheel of a John Deere combine. Now that’s something you don’t get to do everyday!

State Fair!

State_fair_2006_wheel_lrState_fair_2006_wendy_lr It’s time for that Midwest summer tradition: The Iowa State Fair! Last night was our opportunity to visit the event and we picked a great night for it. Wendy had been working all day at the Goalsetter’s booth in the Varied Industries Building (she even sold one! You go, Wendy!). Taylor, Madison and I arrived in the evening to eat food on a stick, ride the big slide (a tradition I’ve had with the girls since they were wee ones) and take in the cultural center. Taylor and Madison even got to sit inside the wheel of a John Deere combine. Now that’s something you don’t get to do everyday!

Chapter-a-Day I Samuel 5

When the leaders of Ashdod saw what was going on, they decided, "The
chest of the god of Israel has got to go. We can’t handle this, and
neither can our god Dagon." They called together all the Philistine
leaders and put it to them: "How can we get rid of the chest of the god
of Israel?"
I Samuel 5:7-8 (TM)

Sometimes the stories of the Old Testament can seem so outrageous, but I’m not so sure things have really changed much. Countries and cultures are still trying to expel God from their midst. As the Spirit of God moved from the Ark of the Covenant to the the hearts of Christians, it’s now the people of God that they want to banish from their midst. We don’t hear much about it in the US, but groups like Voices of the Martyrs track the world-wide persecution of Christians.

Back to Reality

It was difficult getting back into the swing yesterday after a nice weekend at the lake. My parents are always talking about watching their guests melt into rest after a day or two at the playhouse. I think Madison finally crashed after her trip to Thailand. She fell asleep on the couch at about 7:00 one night and eventually made the zombie walk to bed where she slept until 11:30 the next morning. And me?

Well, you can see for yourself.

Chapter-a-Day I Samuel 4

So the army sent orders to Shiloh. They brought the Chest of the Covenant of God, the God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the Cherubim-Enthroned-God. Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, accompanied the Chest of the Covenant of God
. I Samuel 4:4 (TM)

Bob Dylan wrote, "Do you ever wonder just what God requires? You think He’s just an errand-boy to satisfy your wandering desires." That’s what Israel was thinking when they went to get the Ark of the Covenant. They weren’t seeking God’s presence – they were seeking a good luck charm. Are we seeking a relationship with God; to know the person and presence of God in our lives? Or do we want a lucky charm to pull out of our pocket when we need it?

Flickr photo courtesy of Karsh

Summer’s Last Hurrah

This past weekend was our last weekend of the summer to spend at the Vander Well "playhouse" on Lake of the Ozarks. We had a great time (as you can see in the photo) soaking up the sun and having fun on the water. Wendy and I took a long excursion on the waverunner on Saturday and are in serious need of a chiropractor appointment this week. We played mini-golf and, of course, with three women on the trip a stop at the outlet mall was a given.

It’s sad to think that the summer is nearly over. Whoa.

Chapter-a-Day I Samuel 2

And the LORD was gracious to Hannah; she conceived and gave birth to
three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew up in the
presence of the LORD
. I Samuel 2:21 (TM)

In the last chapter, I mentioned that Hannah was an example for all of us in her giving. God gave her a son – her heart’s desire – and she gave Samuel back to the Lord. The example continues in chapter two when we find that God multiplied Hannah’s blessing by giving her five more children.

Give and you will receive.

Chapter-a-Day I Samuel 1

They first butchered the bull, then brought the child to Eli. Hannah
said, "Excuse me, sir. Would you believe that I’m the very woman who
was standing before you at this very spot, praying to God? I prayed for this child, and God gave me what I asked for. And now I have dedicated him to God. He’s dedicated to God for life
. I Samuel 1:25-26 (TM)

What a beautiful picture of what our lives and offerings are supposed to be. Hannah was barren for so long, and when God finally blesses her with a son you’d expect her to hold on to him and not let go. But Hannah shows us the way. When God blesses us, even with something we highly value – we are to offer it up to God. It all belongs to Him anyway.